Saturday, December 14, 2013

Cerita Lucu sederhana dalam bahasa inggris

         A priest was visiting an old Lady in her home. She offered him coffe and they sat down in the living room for a nice chat.
         After a while the man saw a bowl of peanuts at the side table. He asked the old Lady if he could have one. She said of course, help yourself.
        After a little while he took some more and she just smiled. So when he wanted even more he said: I am eating so many of your peanuts, I hope it is ok. She answered him:
       Eat them all if you want! I cannot chew them with no teeth so I have just sucked of the choclate on all of them.

The Prize
A man was at the amusement park. He was trying the lottery, the arrow throwing and the shooting.
      At the shooting he scored and won a prize. They gave him a cute live turtle. Pleased he left the place.
     But after a while he came back and tried his shooting skilles again. And once more he scored a really good result and was going to get a prize. Then he said:
         Please give me the same prize as last time, but this burger I want with SOFT bread!


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